Tuesday, August 23, 2011

New to this....

This is my first post........obviously.......and I'm not really sure how all this works?  I have looked at other blogs and they are all elaborate and put my little pink southern blog to shame.  So, I'm guessing that this will be a learning experience.

I wanted to create a blog so I could keep up with my Journalism skills and I guess keep people updated with my life??  I recently graduated from the BEST University in Mississippi (at least I think so)...that is Ole Miss (or the University of Mississippi).  When I say recently I mean like May of 2011.  I keep saying recently because it makes me feel like it hasn't been months since my last days of college.  The post-college depression has started to sink in right about now because everyone started their college classes this week.  Sad (for me) Awesome (for them). Yesterday I realized I will never have a "first day of class" ever again.  I've been going to school for a total of 19 years.  That includes pre-school, pre-k, kindergarden, 1st-12th grade, and a wonderful 4 years + a victory lap = 19 long/sometimes painful/but sometimes amazing years of schooling.  

All this rambling is irrelevant unless you want to updated with the amount of schooling I've had in my 23 years of living.  ANYWAY....here's a quick summary of life:

1.  My name is Katherine Lynn Barkett born on December 20, 1987 which means I'm a Sagittarius, 23 years old, and a Christmas baby.

2.  I am an only child to two wonderful parents Mike & Linda.  

3.  I attended Jackson Preparatory School and Ole Miss (Hotty Toddy)

4.  I majored in Broadcast Journalism with a minor in Theater.

5.  I competed in the Miss Mississippi Pageant for five years and I am the reigning Miss University which has been one of the most amazing experiences of my life. 

6.  I live at home with the parentals and I am currently looking for a job (please hire me!).

7.  I have a wonderful boyfriend named Adam who attended Mississippi State University (boo) and is a third year dental student at University Medical Center (yay Ole Miss).  

8.  I have the best rescue princess pup named Sophie Lynn.  

9. I love the South and the SEC.

Soooooooooo......that pretty much sums up whats going on in my life at this time.  Stay tuned for updates!! 

XOXO Katherine 

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