Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Whiney Wednesday

I think Wednesday's would be great day to "whine" on my blog.  I wanted to use a less obnoxious noun such as "venting" or "expressing unwanted emotions" Wednesday...but they just sound silly.  So, I find it only appropriate (since I am an only child) that I coin Wednesday's as "Whiney Wednesdays".  Wednesday is such an odd time in the week because on Tuesday you are thankful that it's not Monday, and on Thursday your are pretty much sailing to the weekend...but what does that leave Wednesday for?  Well this blog helped me figure out that it is the perfect day to 'whine about something'.  Some of you might be thinking I'm talking about wine, like the beverage made from grapes. No, no...I'm talking about whining which defines as:

whine  (hwn, wn)
v. whinedwhin·ingwhines
1. To utter a plaintive, high-pitched, protracted sound, as in pain, fear, supplication, or complaint.
2. To complain or protest in a childish fashion.
3. To produce a sustained noise of relatively high pitch

I'm not going to make any 'high pitched noises' but I may get a little testy at times during the week and this is my way to let it out. it goes: (Oh and most of them will probably have a form of the word "annoy" in them because I tend to use that word in an out of control fashion)

Job Search Whine:   So annoyed with this college degree thing, because it is obvious that people don't care these days whether you have a masters, doctorate, GED, high school diploma, bachelors degree or EVEN a fourth grade level education.  All they want is experience.  Here's my problem with that.  HOW AM I SUPPOSE TO GET EXPERIENCE IF YOU WONT HIRE ME???? They don't care that I participated in thousands of college organizations or busted it on Friday and (home football) Saturday's (like all day Saturday. no grove, no socializing, and no sleeping) working for production companies such as ESPN, ESPN U, CSS, Fox Sports (2010 Cotton Bowl ::those were the good ole days:: ), and CBS Sports. Oh and NewsWatch, SportsWhip, and Sports Marketing Intern doesn't really matter either.  I thought surely they might be a little impressed with my "Miss Mississippi Experience" or my Miss University accomplishments....nope, nada, NO!  They really don't care about anything except that I haven't had any "real life experiences" yet.  

This all brings me to my next big whine.....

Living with the Parents Whine:  Since I don't have a job, I don't have any $$cash flow$$ and that means I'm living at home sweet home.  Well, home is not so sweet anymore because it's not any easy adjustment to go from living on your own for five years to moving back in with your folks. These are the texts/phone calls I receive on a daily basis:

 Mom: where are you? Mom: When are you coming home? Mom: where are you? Mom: what adam doing? Mom: how are you? Mom: how you feel? Dad: call your mother. Mom: Helloooooo. When you coming home?  Mom: where all the money in ur accnt? 

.........anyway, you get the idea?! 

I love my family SO so much, but I think it's time I leave the nest.  We would all get along so much better. But there is that one minor obstacle standing in my way (I'll let you do the math).

Random Whine:    It is SO HOT OUTSIDE!!!  My car repeatedly tells me that it's 104/103/101/99 etc... Then when I get in my car everything is so hot that I can't touch anything without receiving third degree burns.  I just bought some 'fall clothes' that I'm sure will never be worn because it's going to stay scorching till my birthday (which is pretty much Christmas day).  I'm very upset that I can't play tennis outside due to the heat index but yet I am somehow entered in a Labor Day tournament with the bf which means I must be on my A-Game cause he doesn't like to lose.

All this whining is annoying but everyone needs to let it out, right?? If I think of anything else I'll just add it in.  I hate to end on a negative note so here a positive ending:

                        ......................cuz I sure am!


Tuesday, August 23, 2011

New to this....

This is my first post........obviously.......and I'm not really sure how all this works?  I have looked at other blogs and they are all elaborate and put my little pink southern blog to shame.  So, I'm guessing that this will be a learning experience.

I wanted to create a blog so I could keep up with my Journalism skills and I guess keep people updated with my life??  I recently graduated from the BEST University in Mississippi (at least I think so)...that is Ole Miss (or the University of Mississippi).  When I say recently I mean like May of 2011.  I keep saying recently because it makes me feel like it hasn't been months since my last days of college.  The post-college depression has started to sink in right about now because everyone started their college classes this week.  Sad (for me) Awesome (for them). Yesterday I realized I will never have a "first day of class" ever again.  I've been going to school for a total of 19 years.  That includes pre-school, pre-k, kindergarden, 1st-12th grade, and a wonderful 4 years + a victory lap = 19 long/sometimes painful/but sometimes amazing years of schooling.  

All this rambling is irrelevant unless you want to updated with the amount of schooling I've had in my 23 years of living.'s a quick summary of life:

1.  My name is Katherine Lynn Barkett born on December 20, 1987 which means I'm a Sagittarius, 23 years old, and a Christmas baby.

2.  I am an only child to two wonderful parents Mike & Linda.  

3.  I attended Jackson Preparatory School and Ole Miss (Hotty Toddy)

4.  I majored in Broadcast Journalism with a minor in Theater.

5.  I competed in the Miss Mississippi Pageant for five years and I am the reigning Miss University which has been one of the most amazing experiences of my life. 

6.  I live at home with the parentals and I am currently looking for a job (please hire me!).

7.  I have a wonderful boyfriend named Adam who attended Mississippi State University (boo) and is a third year dental student at University Medical Center (yay Ole Miss).  

8.  I have the best rescue princess pup named Sophie Lynn.  

9. I love the South and the SEC.

Soooooooooo......that pretty much sums up whats going on in my life at this time.  Stay tuned for updates!! 

XOXO Katherine